Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rachel (and baby!) { Houston Maternity Photography }

You know you are hard core when you can walk the museum district for hours on end at 37 weeks pregnant, dilated to 3 cm. Seriously, I was way too wimpy for all that.

But not Rachel.

She did that AND looked gorgeous. And we had a good time as we walked, talked all things baby girl, braved the Hermann Park public restroom, and experienced the finery that is the Hotel ZaZa restroom.

Congrats Rachel. Good luck to you and your husband on the birth and first days with your precious baby girl. I hope you LOVE these pictures.

Rachel 079 name

Rachel 257 name

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Rachel 056 name

Rachel 191 name

Rachel 046 name

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Kristin! And I must say: that plaid dress is GORGEOUS!!! Where can I get one of those...
